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Zumba at Mitchell's starts tonight!
We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a new 6 week session of ZUMBA at Mitchell's  tomorrow Wednesday, January 8th from ...
Improvisational Contemporary with Micky
We are thrilled to announce a NEW CLASS starting this quarter with Micky. She is offering a class where middle schoolers and high...
New Year, New Classes, New Friends!
As we welcome the new year, we will now begin our 3rd Quarter of lessons. Classes will resume next week starting on Monday, January 6th...
Bravo to all!
Thank you to all who came to our Holiday Showcase. The classes performed so well and the show went off without a hitch filling us all...
Happy Thanksgiving from Mitchell's Dance Studio
We hope you are all enjoying your long weekend! From the entire Mitchell's Dance Studio family, we are so thankful for your endless...
Thanksgiving Week- No Classes!
The Studio will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday this week. All classes will resume as usual next week, December 3 - 7th. We will...
2nd Quarter starts this week!
Our 2nd Quarter of the dance year starts this week. Feel free to stop by the Studio and try out a class. To register for dance classes,...
Happy Halloween!
There are no lessons tonight. We hope everyone has a safe and happy night of trick-or-treating. Feel free to stop by both Olive and...
Spooktacular Dance Classes this week!
As a way to celebrate the final week of our first quarter, we will be wearing costumes to class this week . Feel free to dress as festive...
Saturday Class Schedule
If you are in Preschool or Elementary School your combination Tap, Ballet and Jazz classes start today! We are thrilled to announce the...
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