Recital Week Schedule
The Recital will be held on SUNDAY, MAY 15th at The Cabot Theater at 2:00 pm.
Last Recital Practices:
Tuesday, May 10th will remain the same as last week for all Tuesday and Thursday classes from 4:30 - 5:30 pm.
Wednesday, May 11th will be the final time to run all of the Combo Class dances from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. We ask that No Parents stay for this rehearsal. This way dancers can get used to Alexia as she will be assisted them on the day of the show. Following that rehearsal, Parents will be invited for our annual Recital and Attendance Awards from 5:30 - 6:00pm.
Thursday, May 12th will be the final time to run all of the Tuesday and Thursday dances from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. The Adults will be joining us as well. Following that rehearsal, Parents will be invited into the Front Studio for our annual Recital and Attendance Awards from 5:30 - 6:00pm. You will also receive your Mitchell's Dance Studio 90th Anniversary T-shirt to be worn during the FINALE.
This will also be your last chance to ask any questions you may have regarding costumes, hair, shoes etc.
Stage Rehearsal: Sunday, May 15th, the morning of the Recital, at The Cabot Theater. Stage rehearsals for the all combination classes will be from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Stage rehearsals for the all older classes will be from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. We will rehearse the Opening and Finale with everyone at 11:30 am. This Rehearsal is a "Stage Rehearsal" not a "Dress Rehearsal". Therefore, students will not need to wear their costumes until the actual show at 2:00 pm. The purpose of this rehearsal is to allow everyone to practice their dance(s) on the actual stage. This allows us to tweak the dancer's entrances, stage placement, spacing and exits. Parents may stay and watch quietly. All children (dancers or siblings) must be supervised so that they are not a distraction to the rehearsing dancers. We will also show you where the changing location is and how to get from backstage onto the stage. In order to get from the changing location to the backstage area, dancers will need to walk through the audience to a door located on the far left of the stage. Parents will not be allowed past this point. We will designate the seats along the aisle for Parent Pass holders ONLY. Once you drop off your dancer/s at the backstage door, you may sit in the Parent Pass section until your dancer is finished. Please remind your dancer to stay quiet while maneuvering through the aisles and in the backstage areas as to not be a distraction to audience members.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
On with the show!
