Monday Class Schedule!
Monday classes start today! If you are an Adult and want to try out Jazz or Tap your classes start today.
Feel free to stop by the studio and try out a class. You can always sign up at the Studio or you can download the registration form from our website and fill it out, sign it and bring to the studio (along with your $15 registration fee) today.
7:00 - 7:30 pm Tap "The Perdettes" taught by Caroline
Show them you've still got it!
This is a complimentary class for former Mitchellettes (by permission only)
7:30 - 8:00 pm Tap "The Sophisticates" taught by Judy
Still Tapping to Honor Al.
8:00 - 8:30 pm Jazz "The Sophisticates" taught by Judy
What will they come up with this year?​
See you at the Studio!!